e-Way Bill is mandatory for Inter-State movement of goods of consignment value exceeding Rs.50,000/- in motorized conveyance.
Registered GST Taxpayers can register in the e-Way Bill Portal using GSTIN.
Unregistered Persons/ Transporters can enroll in the e-Way Bill System by providing their PAN and Aadhaar.
Supplier/ Recipient/ Transporter can generate the e-Way Bill.
Vehicle number can be entered/updated in PART – B of Form EWB – 01 by those who have generated the e-Way Bill or by the Transporter.
QR code is provided in the e-Way Bill to facilitate quick verification.
Certain goods have been exempted from e-Way Bill and the list is available as Annexure to Rule 138 of CGST Rules. e-Way Bill is not required for transport through non-motorized conveyance.